
The meaning of my dream!
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Association: - male security, - resources, - identity. Question: - Which of my setting on the subject Security is I to be changed ready?


Symbol for money, property and possession. The wallet in the dream can stand for the female aspects of the care and restraint and express therefore the position of the dreaming to intuition and consciousness. The wallet represents in dreams the place at which the dreaming keeps his resources - not only the financial, but also all remaining - certainly. Indeed, the relation which the dreaming has to the money is given priority by the dream symbol. Wallet symbolises own personality and the striving to recognise itself and to realise. According to accompanying circumstances the following special meanings are possible:
  • with her fields for the most personal things of the owner a dream wallet can be equated with the most intimate aspects. If the wallet was full or blank
? Was one afraid to lose them?
  • loss of the wallet warns about the fact that one can be exposed.
  • Dreaming one repeats from the loss of own wallet, it can also be a warning before menacing identity loss.
  • finding of a wallet can announce that one will get wise somebody, - she contains money, draws the attention often to the fact that one must exert himself more to realise his aims.
  • theft of a wallet maybe warns about disappointments and losses by wrong friends.


The old image that one carries his 'life' in the wallet symbolises not only the life, but also health.



  • see or own: The concealed will be cleared up to you, - a bigger amount of money is to be expected,
  • lose: Incommodities.

(European ones).:

  • in the wallet own existence can be seen, - one struggles for them, and one does not want to lose them, - means that one should keep a secret strictly for himself,
  • lose: a secret will become obvious, - also: with the best friend have a difference of opinion,
  • find: one will come behind the secret of another,
  • find one with money: one would like to come into money without work what will not succeed, however,
  • full (with different things) find: almost always own wishes can fulfil,
  • find an empty one: in big hope are disappointed,
  • get one stolen: Warning before a person in the closer surroundings who has bad intentions.


  • you will get onto a secret.
(See also purse)

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