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Real cat's mint

medicine wheel:

Key words: Playfulness, - sensuousness, - rest, - digesting ease, - for cats intoxicating, - mint. Description: Real cat's mint, a winter-hard herb with a light smell after mint and white blossoms, was used to fight against light gastrointestinale disturbances with people. Also with babies it is applicable and in this connection one of the best means against stomach cramps. On cats real cat's mint exercises a slightly narcotic and sometimes also aphrodisierende effect. General meaning: What eats up you, - what causes tortures, - means against problems existing since long time, - help with continual uneasiness, - the cat's part of your nature, - your femininity, - the playful part of itself, - a sensuous part of you to you. Association: - Transcendent meaning: A playful solution for an old problem.

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