
The meaning of my dream!
Interpret your dreams online. Over 9,000 dream symbols are available.

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Be a guilt

Association: - Judgment. Question: - What is I to be misdealt or other ready?


Dreams also have the job that we admit to ourselves things which we deny in the awake life rather. Therefore, dreams often deal with guilt and feelings of guilt and remind us with it of offence against others and against our true nature. It is nothing unusual to awake from a 'guilt' - dream in which one has committed a crime and fears to be discovered. Such a dream lights up the whole life, above all the repressions in it. He can indicate that one should feel guilty himself because one commits the crime to suppress own true nature.



  • A rash action torments you.


  • Dreaming one of the guilt of other people, so the picture warns about trust-unworthy friends. If the dreaming himself carries the guilt, he may try to compensate the past injustice. It is also to be understood as a tip that he determines the success and failure alone by his decisions and actions. And in search of a culprit the dreaming should start with himself. (Man
+) (See also court)

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