
The meaning of my dream!
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Sign (nameplate)

In general:

Sign (for example, name plate) expresses the need for understanding and selfrepresentation, in particular if it concerns a sign with own name.


Does your own name stand on the name plate? Then you should defend 'your district', theirs (you being entitled) clearance protect and entrench if necessary 'behind close door' if demands too much of you to itself from others and pressed feel. The dream wants to say: One has a right on own, undisturbed area - one must not open to any 'door and gates' which wants somewhat of one. If the name of an ideal partner stands on the name plate: Best you would allow to stand your own names dazugravieren, you would like to be 'with him at home' and with your feelings (for him) before his 'close doors': A connection dream!



  • in a house, carriages etc. see: operate with many people,
  • of a craftsman: you will succeed,
  • of a hairdresser: you go on bridal show,
  • of a pub: your money sits laxly,
  • of a department store: you will found a home,
  • without inscription: point to unsettled relations in which we must find one more way out.

(European ones).:

  • about a store, business, factory, name plate see: envious friends give a hard time,
  • empty see in a house or in a door: one is at the moment in extremely unsettled relations and had to do as soon as possible a solution, a way out find,
  • one with inscription: asks us to bring own being shares better outwardly.


  • of a pub: bad trade,
  • of a craftsman or business: you will make good deals.
(See also names, road sign)

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