
The meaning of my dream!
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Companions accompany / company /


Who is accompanied in the dream of somebody, should pay attention to who goes on his side - where? Often it is only one shade (see there). Mostly the companion circumscribes a part of own inside to himself become independent, or the problems have tracked down which urgently need a solution. However, often there lies behind also the wish for a more intensive contact with a certain (maybe beloved) person who makes himself rather rare, however. If it was a harmonious sphere in which he has accompanied you, it could mean an actual approach. If the dream scene was chaotic, the mood hostilely, it is to be understood as a request: Forget it! Even if the contact with this person could become more intensive, you would have to accept a lot of disagreeable for it - it would never be a real pair situation.



  • Somebody searches you and expects news from you. (39, 60)

(European ones).:

  • agree with a walk or have: Friendship close,
  • accompany to the departure: if illness or estrangement of the departing registers,
  • accompany somebody on the street: happy hours spend.

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