
The meaning of my dream!
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Orange (colour)

Association: - Emotion, - stimulation, - healing. Question: - What do I feel?

medicine wheel:

Key words: Harvest, - Anneal, - vitality, - moon of the first frosts. Description: Orange the colour totem is in the medicine wheel in the moon of the first frosts (from the 24th of October to the 21st of November) to Born ones. It is the colour of the harvest and many fruits which have reached her perfect maturity. General meaning: What you may harvest, - a tip to your level of development, - maturity. Association: Orange - the fruit. Transcendent meaning: Gift of the integration


Like the colour points out Red orange to activity and energy. The dreaming lives through just a time which challenges him particularly to take his life in own hands and to do something. (See also colours)

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