
The meaning of my dream!
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Anew / novelty

In general:

In the dream of something new it is expelled to a new beginning, in a new kind to look at the things and to handle with situations, or maybe also on a new pair relation. New shoes stand for the entrance of a new way and a reinforced ground contact. A new hat symbolises a new mental beginning, while new glasses stand for a changed visual manner.


If the dreaming renews something in his dream, the potential expresses itself through this in a new learning situation. The dreaming is stimulated and in the beginning also excited. If the dream reflects a real fresh start, he can express the fears and difficulties of the dreaming in this situation.


At the spiritual level symbolises the new information which reach the dreaming at the right time to allow other developing steps. What is new for the dreaming, must not be basically new, but it can still be from big influence on him.



  • you is discontented and unamusing to the work.

(European ones).:

  • be dressed: if means satisfaction.

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