
The meaning of my dream!
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In general:

Lift (lift) points out to the fact that one wants to come quickly and comfortably upwards or solve problems, - however, this will only succeed if one exerts himself more. If the dream lift brings us in a higher floor, we will probably be able to climb up with foreign help, - who goes, however, with him quickly down, cannot be enough at the moment for higher claims. If the lift comes against it in the cellar, it is signalled for the awake state, one may check once his feelings, shocking to the daylight could come there.


Like the dream symbols of the leaders and the stair the lift is a sign for change processes. Indeed, does not happen this change from own strength. In the lift the dreaming moves fast and weightlessly, it amounts to the aviation. This can be a tip to selfoverestimation and to images which do not correspond to the reality. If the lift journey goes upwards, the wish of the dreaming for success and selfconfirmation expresses itself in it. If the lift gets stuck in the dream, this is a sign for a disturbance in the personality development of the dreaming or for feeling of inferiority. If the lift goes down and this by the dreaming is felt as disagreeable, anxieties about the future can be expressed with it.



  • (lift lift): you must be more careful,
  • go upwards: successfully may count,
  • get stuck: one is threatened by inferiority problems in the advancement on his life,
  • drive down: professional burglary and anxieties about the future,
  • fall: a forthcoming disaster or misfortune.

(European ones).:

  • a simplification of the life is expected secretly by foreign help,
  • see: one would like to come up easily and fast what will not succeed, however,
  • go upward: Success is likely,
  • go down: the success is dubious,
  • see driving themselves in one: one will be comforted,
  • lead one: one will bring aid to poor people.


    you will experience
  • by foreign people a rise.
(See also traps, aviation, leader, cellar, stair)

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