
The meaning of my dream!
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Association: - Enlightenment, - vision. Question: - What is to be seen I am ready?

In general:

Light symbolises consciousness, perception, knowledge, understanding, trust and confidence, - what this refers to, arises from the concrete life situation. The old symbol donates hope, indicates a new beginning see ('the light of the world'), - we need to give ourselves no troubles, neither about our health nor about our well-being. If the light just begins in the dream, we can scoop in the awake life deep knowledge, - it burns in the distance, new, but attainable wishes become awake. If it goes out, nevertheless, suddenly and leaves behind us in the darkness, we could be shocked psychically or have to count at least on bad news. Also too much light which blinds the dreamer is to be valued negatively what other symbols should confirm. The 'light at the end of the tunnel' refers, for example, to the fact that the dreaming can conclude a difficult plan soon successfully. The light is the spiritual energy, is exposed - one sees clearly everything bright and. A light on' went 'for him symbolises sudden inspirations which lead to the problem solution.


The light is a symbol for joy of life and vitality, hope, balance, knowledge, consciousness, clear way of thinking and mind. It brings brightness in different situations and removes ignorance and doubt. In the brightness the person is less timourous. As a dream symbol the light has these just called meanings, as well as the meaning of creative mind. If in the dream light plays a role, the dreaming is in a process in which he tries to improve. A very bright light often symbolises the development of intuition and examination. Also sexual-erotic fulfilment can enclose this vision with. Declining security and determination become in the dream by dim or dark light verbildlicht, internal and external difficulties also the fear of the age or death can be expressed by decreasing light in the dream. There are different methods with which one uses the flame of a candle or another source of light in the awake state to improve these abilities.


At the spiritual level a bright light in the dream symbolises the manifestation of the divine and the truth or the 'direct Wissens'. Often this knowledge has no shape and appears, hence, the energy which the mind shows in the dream as a light.



  • see general: Light phenomena are groundbreaking, - you find a way out from your worries,
  • see a light burning one: good times in view have, - joy,
  • see a candle light: Reminder to devotion and reverence,
  • flickering and weakly the burning: become ill,
  • light: happy events will enter,
  • see itself a removing one: your shops will decrease,
  • see a distant one: a pleasant trip before himself have,
  • in big distance: you may look after nice hopes,
  • at the end of a tunnel: one will conclude a difficult plan soon successfully,
  • extinguish: your plan is angry,
  • of another see extinguishing: bad news,
  • see extinguishing by itself: your love will cool off,
  • carry which is extinguished by train air: are deeply saddened by a death,
  • by light be surrounded: a light will rise to one, - new ideas for the solution of a protracted problem will be pulled up, - also: a declaration of love of a person may expect whom one reveres for a long time.


  • an ambivalent omen: It stands for improvement and stabilisation, for knowledge acquisition and enlightenment, however, also sends a reminder not to weigh itself in security and to rest too early. To be dazzled by the light warns about avarice and egoism, before wrong spiritual ways and abstract mental high-altitude flights. Quite in general the sign stands for examination, but also for from it resultant life cleverness. One should think about himself and his situation. (Woman
+ / man +)

(European ones).:

  • old symbol, - to follow in connection with other signs, - to value negatively with seriously ill,
  • see: Sign for health and prosperity, - means joy and success, - one is on the right way,
  • from wide distance see: the coming joy, - promises luck away,
  • light: announced joy,
  • weakly and worriedly the burning: a forthcoming illness, - also: Partial success,
  • dim or, outgoing: unpleasantly are disappointed because an enterprise ends in the dead end,
  • a light which is covered: speaks for misunderstanding of the salaries,
  • light plays: one is favoured.
(See also darkness,' glowing ',' candle ',' lamp' and under the names of single sources of light)

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