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Easy chair


Easy chair indicates comfort, harmony and peace, (often in the family). If one sits in it, however, this warns about comfort and to big complacency. If one sits in great-grandfather Lieblingssessel, one builds in the awake state probably on the support more different to have a comfortable life, - one wants to have his rest, however, does not note, that the coats road swimming because one himself performs not overmuch.



  • see or in it sit: a comfortable life which is not good for you, however - also approaches you: you do not come through alone any more and search help.

(European ones).:

  • quick execution of a thing and help by a friend,
  • if the youth of full fights was: the age will bring luck and peace,
  • sit in one: Stimulus to the work to gain success.


  • one will protect you against bad attacks of the people.
(See also armchair)

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