
The meaning of my dream!
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Association: - forcible introduction, - need. Question: - What do I absolutely need?


If a dream trades of the fact that the dreaming receives an injection, this means that in his private space became penetrated. Maybe the opinions, needs and wishes of other people are forced upon him, and he had no other choice to take part as. If the dreaming in his dream gives a syringe to another person, he wants to force upon this something. In this case a connection with the sexuality can be produced. Also edged out sexual needs are sometimes expressed in it. An injection can also be an attempt of the healing. Maybe the dreaming feels that he needs help from Outside to function more successfully. Whether an injection is understood positively or not, depends on the setting of the dreaming to the school medicine and of whether he looks at this as a support or feels a dislike against them.


At the spiritual level the giving of an injection in the dream refers to the fact that the dreaming is ready to create conditions in himself which support him in his development. On the other hand, an injection in the dream can also signal short-term pleasure instead of long-term profit.



  • agree: You will get a help.
(See also medicament, vaccination, syringe)

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