
The meaning of my dream!
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India / Indian


India (Indian) embodies the irrational area of the psyche, - then one is often requested as more reality sense, so that one can better master the life. Also the warning of deception by others or before self-deception can stand behind it. The dreaming longs maybe also strongly for mystic experiences and searches wisdom and a teacher (guru).



  • see: Property increase, - also: either romantic images or concealed relations of mystic kind there look after.

(European ones).:

  • see: strange occurrences, - also: news of an unfriendly woman,
  • (after)
  • travel there: one will make an unexpected inheritance, - also: stands for new experiences, new acquaintances and reorientation,
  • Indian figures see: one will deal with occultism.
(See also guru)

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