
The meaning of my dream!
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Powders / powder


If we powder ourselves in the dream, we want to cover in the awake life maybe something ugly or a nakedness or veil something which does not like ourselves.



  • see: you cannot handle with money,
  • see somebody: your defeat remains not concealed, - you want to put somebody, danger!
  • to itself: you will be anxious to please, - also: you want to seem different like you are, deception,

(European ones).:

  • see: warns us against covering up any wrong or against twisting an event,
  • powder the face to themselves: the coming festivity in private area,
  • scatter: one would like to make up in vain for something,
  • apply with himself: one has no pure conscience,
  • Dreaming a woman to powder her face means the new clothes for a festive occasion.


  • to itself: you want to hide an offence,
  • others: you stand somebody with a wrong action.
(See also cosmetics, mask)

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