
The meaning of my dream!
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After S. Freud (not only): The corkscrew symbolises the penis which penetrates into the cork the bottle (sex) after which is (ejaculated) uncorked. Can be - must not be. Are you thirsty?



  • many see or have: your absent-mindedness will play to you bad pranks.

(European ones).:

  • pull a cork: means the visit of a friend, - also: good news of a friend, - also: important changes in the life,
  • with a banquet the corks move: one will be soon surrounded by prosperity and take pleasure in a perfect luck,
  • medicament cork: point to illness and wasted energy,
  • a cork swimmer (hinge pose) observe in quiet waters: if means success, - the water is worried: one must be angry at unscrupulous people,
  • bottles cork: if an omen is for well organised shops in the life, - also: must count on unexpected visit, - also: Improvement in the occupation,
  • Dreaming a young woman that she pulls champagne cork may be glad them on an affectionate and pretty lover who covers them with money and attention. She should pay attention to her good call and take to heart to well-intentioned advice of her parents.

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