
The meaning of my dream!
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File / file


File can sometimes refer to many small disappointments of the everyday life which clear away more and more ideals, hopes and expectations indiscernibly. However, in the symbol the creative strength with which one forms his life can be also expressed. If we see filing ourselves or another in the dream something, the unconscious sends us a reminder for the awake life, - that is we should work the way up not gehenlassen, but constantly in our character, so that itself our internal position strengthens and is able to do itself from the outside to the coming influence efficiently entgegenstemmen.



  • see: Little things will disturb you, - also: You have a possibility to improve.
  • polish: one will gain his life success only by heavy, hard work.
  • see filing themselves: your work is criticised.

(European ones).:

  • see: if work and success registers, - warning to deter others by heedless behaviour - one better pays attention to what one does,
  • polish something: Salary and well-being, - also: a new work is indicated,
  • polish in a piece of iron: one can create the life success by hard, heavy work,
  • fingernails: one is bored,
  • wood: if means an uncertain enterprise.

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