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Pears / pear tree


Erotic symbol of the sensuousness full juice and sweetness. The form reminds of female, of longings to unite. Pear mostly deals with interpersonal relations, love and similar, mostly positive feelings. Besides, one distinguishes above all the following accompanying circumstances:
  • Seeing one clarifies pears, makes clear often the wish for marriage and partnership or announces even a quick wedding.
  • good views promise
  • blossoming or with fruits loaded pear trees for the creation of our personal matters.
  • harvest of pears can promise professional and financial success.
  • Unfavorably is interpreted the consumption of pears or the wurmige fruit what points after old dream books to a separation or a similar sad event.


Improved pear trees are favorable, - then their fruits do not rot, if one stores them, and if they are immediately eaten, they are not only nutritious, but also from a taste similar to the wine. I know that there are people who also prepare wine from them. Wooden pears and the usual land pears are only farmers of use, all others, however, harmfully. Pear trees and wild pear trees have the same meaning like her fruits.



  • blossoming or with fruits loaded trees see: mostly point to a forthcoming happy idiom which will change the whole life favourably,
  • withering pear tree: Dear lives with irritating incidents,
  • with fruits to loaded ones see: Blessing in the marriage, - happy marriage,
  • shake the tree: Quarrel and quarrel in view,
  • pears of the tree shake: you will succeed,
  • pick: good views,
  • eat sweetly and juicy ones: it approaches a joy or a dear life,
  • immature or bad ones eat: Incommodities will bother you, - hardship,
  • see more withered, more leafless or pear tree without fruits: Complaints, grief, need, misfortune or illness,
  • of wasps or worms eat away: Cunning, deception.

(European ones).:

  • pear tree in general: good salary in view,
  • blossoming: forthcoming happy news which is authoritative for the whole life,
  • pear tree with fruits: very good views for all personal matters,
  • pear tree before the harvest: shining progress of the shops,
  • good pear fruits see: Marriage luck,
  • pick one: A pleasant surprise,
  • follows accident, - on disappointments
  • harvest: very successful shops approach,
  • golden-coloured in pretty trees: the destiny will be minded more favorable than up to now,
  • preserved ones: Setbacks very well master,
  • baked ones: Boredom in the love,
  • sweetens eat: big joy or a nice love affair approaches,
  • sour ones eat: Grief,
  • see eating: Grief, - failure and illness,
  • wurmige see: Separation and misery.
(ind.): - eat: the worry has you in the power and you know no way out, endures and does not lose the courage, -
  • several: check you and then act,
  • shake: you have had luck, it could also have failed,
  • wurmige: is not so gullible.
(See also 'fruits')

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